Lets be honest was it invite only? Maybe
, seems so… IDK and I don’t really care.
BUuuuuuUuuT, based off the footage of the event it was hardly exclusive every man and his dog was invited. A large percentage of those attending were probably nobody’s solely invited for the purpose of “seat fillers”. Maybe other GC Trash (Ashy’s previous acquaintances, yes I think they’re all trash in their own right) decided it was beneath them. Honestly, I can’t blame them if they did, making a mountain out of a molehill isn’t everyone’s style.
It was a TikTok event, yes, BUT the relevant people were those preforming and those being presented awards. Not ashy prancing around with her tits flopping and nipples pointing every what way but forward. Did ashy blow a pretty mediocre moment out to be some absolute honor like she was meeting the King of England? YES!! Are we honestly surprised though? Every blatantly copywriten thought, item, recipe, quote or motivational rant this ‘woman’ comes up with is a NEVER-SEEN-BEFORE, groundbreaking, history making event. YAWN
Nat is such a pig. No one wants to see your gut. We get it. You’re pregnant
AGREE AGREE AGREE! She’s mentioned multiple times THAT her clothes are too small making a pathetic attempt to pull them down over her clearly growing bump. I’m all for occasionally flaunting it if you want to. Hey, each to their own. But every day? The same
sad scrunched up basic shirts, saggy botched up bolt ons and upward facing (unflattering) camera angles??
witch please! Give that
tit a break.
Don’t get me started on her mouth, I don’t know what TF she’s done to it but it just does not move naturally all puckered up and almost folding in half
Hopefully pregnancy and a break from the injectables let things settle/dissolve/migrate? I don’t know the terminology, un-F themselves
She’s on par as cringe as AB for me but they do say birds of a feather flock together.
I think people just try really hard to try see the good in these ‘friends’ ashy chewed up and spat out. They’re just varying levels of the same idea, after a quick buck, a sponsor, and lavish lifestyles doing the very least they can and acting like they do more then and everyday working individual not in the ‘influencer’ industry.
This is a cracker!! Have a listen
Now excuse me while this podcast newbie figures out how to find/listen to this podcast and hope that someone finally has the balls to call ashy out for real. If not, I can at least enjoy some comment lol’s