because she has a persecution complexWhy does everything she argue about turn into men vs women?
because she has a persecution complexWhy does everything she argue about turn into men vs women?
What I think is strange about Ashley is how she describes motherhood in general as boring.
I think every mum must have days where at some point they feel a bit bored - for example if we’ve been inside all day and I want to get out of the house. Or meal planning - I personally find this sooo draining and stressful on an almost daily basis with an extreme fussy eater, but it is just one tiny bit of motherhood that I find hard.
I would never describe motherhood as boring though because I love my children and actually enjoy being with them. They are a complete joy to watch grow and as their personalities emerge it just gets better and better. Yes there are lots of tantrums and it’s awful when they get ill etc but to me motherhood is the most exciting journey ever and I’m blessed to be with them each day.
Can we start having a poll at the start of each thread to see who agrees with the latest of Ashley’s ridiculous statements. The next can be who thinks motherhood is boring on a sliding scale from mind numbing to utterly exhilarating?
Totally agree with you there are some days can be boring but I don’t think she also really does being a mum. She ships them off left right and centre and doesn’t really spend any time with them and the time she does with Ada she’s ‘working’ so I don’t really see how she finds time to be bored in motherhood
My little girl is a month younger than Alf and she so fun to be around I love our days out together exploring London, doing new things, theatre shows, music, parks, farms etc and seeing the absolute delight in her face
Today we went out for breakfast just the 2 of us and we can sit and have a small conversation together as opposed to Alf and Ashley who I imagine just sit infront of a screen all day not attempting to converse
Exactly this Children make the most simple things feel completely magical. Ashley is the pitiful one who misses out on all that (although sadly so too will her poor children).What did she think motherhood would be like?'s not all about clubbing, nights out, premieres , travel, latest clothes/make up , lie ins ,
In reality, she's just too selfish and self absorbed to realise that being a mother/ father/parent is about being there for your child and hopefully being a role model for them, instilling love, a sense of worth , sharing the good (and sometimes the bad times , but working through) them, doing silly things with them , showing them the worldwhich doesn't mean long haul travel, enjoying the simple things in life like looking for butterflies, paddling , pick your own fruit , skimming stones, building a den , chopping vegetables and preparing a meal....a father can do these things too!
Theres going to be many more years of "boring"childhood to get through if she's got this mindset .....just wait till they start school and you don't have as much freedom
She should never have had children! ....they're only going to detest her in later years