She’s at a pretty dangerous cross roads at the moment. She’s spread desperately thin in an attempt to gain any kind of relevance but the problem remains - what is she / what does she want to be marketed as?
Honest / ‘Relatable’ Mummy Influencer:
Claim falls apart as soon as any audience realises she pays for a nanny, uses full time private childcare at 2 years and parents 1 child each with her partner with additional assistance from extended family. Your average British parent could not be further away from that reality.
Fashion / Lifestyle Influencer:
Social media darlings aren’t looking at Sainsburys clothing or baggy sweatpants tucked into saggy socks. The market is already saturated with Molly Mae types.
Social Commentator / Campaigner:
She seems to be increasingly mentioning politics and raising points of protest regarding the government. If this is also a mooted career move, it won’t last long - she’s a compulsive liar whose hypocrisy and downright mistruths can be easily found all over the internet. You simply can’t profess to stand on any form of moral high ground when your actual choices are defined by who will pay you enough cash and/or attention.
The left won’t touch her because of GB News, private education, and white upper class inheritance rich status. She’s slagged the right off something rotten in recent times so that route is gone too. The centrists can’t risk the support of someone who has lied about Sarah Everard, vaccines, upbringing etc as well as being a critic of lockdown.
Campaigners won’t welcome her in any highly visible role because of the above and the reality TV links, as it looks like a desperate grab for exposure, which let’s face it - it always is.
Erm… she presents her in laws with her eldest child every weekend, does that count?