She didn’t have a lot of work to lose. When she wasn’t pregnant, how much was she DJing really - can anyone remember anything other than the phone charging zone? Her appearance fees have been reduced, she’s affiliate linking every item of clothing and toiletry she can find and she’s no longer handled by an actual agent.
She had / has a podcast that she started herself, for herself and nobody listens to. That was it, pretty much. Has she gotten bored of that already too?
Trolls didn’t cost her work, social services didn’t cost her work, pregnancy didn’t cost her work - her lack of commitment to any particular area cost her work. She spread herself too thin because she wants everything for nothing and she wants it now. Listeners, readers, viewers and brands want at least a hint of authenticity, and that’s something Ashley has never had. She will be completely seen through tomorrow too, as she comes across terribly on TV and can’t stage manage, filter or edit a live broadcast, hence her utter failure on GB News. Cry me a river.