I cannot believe she’s brought up Nicola Bulley in her rant about the patriarchy.
The fact she was struggling with perimenopause, and had previous difficulties with alcohol, was relevant to her disappearance.
It was a female police office who disclosed the information. Not a man.
It was not victim blaming. She hadn’t been abducted. The police had clear reason to believe that no-one else was involved.
It was very relevant. It meant that she was vulnerable.
The thing that was wrong was that it was shared publicly. That Nicola’s memory, for her family, her children, will forever be entwined with those headlines.
Ashley didn’t share a single thing about Nicola, except that story. I know this because I was lost deeply in the whole thing, in the threads here on tattle, in the feeling of ‘that could so easily be me’ which was felt by so many on here.
So Ash can duck off with her patriarchy tit, and stop using the memory of a woman, a mother, who fought demons with alcohol (which Ash claims to understand) and hormones (which Ash claims to understand) as content.