10 minutes...
10 minutes! I think this one of the most harmful things she's said!
Firstly, what is the source? If you're going to tell people that 10 minutes' worth of interaction with your child is enough in a day, where on earth did you learn that from? I'll bet my last pound that it's not from anybody reputable - maybe another podcast mum who relies solely on her
Secondly, I speak from experience in a professional sense when I say that the consequences of minimal interaction with a child are vast - poor communication and language skills, difficulties regulating emotionally, attachment worries and anxiety... the list is endless. Alongside feeding, sleep and toileting support, the authority I work in have absolutely prioritised interaction as something to support families with.
Does she not realise that she has had children who will grow up to be fully-fledged members of society!? She has a moral responsibility to make sure her children are as secure and develop as well as she possibly can because she is their parent!
Sometimes it goes wrong, sometimes parents will struggle but 99% give their best. 10 minutes as a baseline is not anyone's best. I interact with my cat more than that and I work 14 hour days!
Parents will struggle more if they listen to her
crappy advice. The thought of the world being run by the children of these influencer mums is scary...