But she’s obsessed with her secondary school life. Tells us all the time. Grade A student , bullied for being too beautiful/ breasts too big. Looked after the old folks , moved to France. Got a scholarship. Stuck in the past 100 %. The only people who dwell on the past so much have arrested development and are unhappy with their current lot. She’s not a. “ cool mum “ despite all of her going against the grain. You know why ? Cos to be a cool Mum your child has to think so. You can see she’s the least important person in her child’s life. Zero influence there. You get out what you put in. She’s a loser.Who, at 32 years old, puts their secondary school on their dating profile??
Agree! It’s not a playroom?Well that's the least child friendly "play room" I've ever seen. Looks like it's set up as a show home. Why would you have a huge book case with photo albums and plants on it in a child's play room. I'm.probably just being petty but I don't give a F. If it was a normal nice person I'd say it looked good but it isn't. It's a room for Alf to play in so Ashley can eye duck the camera and avoid all patenting duties in the little time she has with him.