Even if money was made from their book sales, it’s not enough to live their luxury lifestyles!
A quick google and this is roughly what authors make;
Traditionally the royalty is a percentage of the recommended retail price (RRP). A typical royalty is 10% of the RRP on hardbacks and 7.5% on paperbacks: so, on a £16.99 hardback the author would receive around £1.70 for each copy sold and on an £8.99 paperback they would receive 67p.
I highly doubt they sold 100 thousand copies and made just over a quarter of a million! IF Saf did, she’d get taxed, so take £160k. Whilst that’s a decent amount, it’s not enough to buy a house, furnish it, go on 5 holidays a year, but designer clothes etc.
Yes, she did has her fingers in a few more pies, such as the clothing line, but that was quickly forgotten about! Her and cashley life styles do not equate to their limited “jobs”.
His latest “challenge” For “charity”. How was that funded?? Did he get paid to do it? How did he afford the trip and other “work trips” with his family?
Anne Diamond is a good comparable example. She did turn her pain into purpose! She was instrumental in educating people and professionals about cot death. I was a child when she lost her son, but I really remember her campaigns which she did alongside her actual job.
I do wonder how many people in the public eye see them how we do? No one wants to be the person to challenge them, I get that. I truly believe the likes of Gi and Fearne heard their story and wanted to help. Like many of us did. I don’t think they continue to follow what they’re doing, aside from the odd random tv appearance, so dont consider how they’re affording to live.
I think they’ll be reporters and journalists who DO see it, but can’t start making accusations until they have proof. Is it September we think they’ll be out??