Ash Mama Reid #8 Overrated and overweight, using her kids as pedalo bait

Inflated balloon! Get a bleeping grip you lazy cow. You do not work, you have the time to get out and walk/go to the gym and cook fresh balanced meals but instead you’ve took the easy way out quite like taking freebie holidays when your kids are supposed to be in school getting an education!! This woman has no shame, no motivation, no get up. People praising her for this need to wake up.what message is this to her daughter.
Im so sad this is what her announcement is. Yes, shes overweight, but not to the level where something like this should even be a consideration. I was, still am, overweight. I work 2 jobs, both desk jobs. I still managed to lose 3 stone last year. Im also skint most of the time so don't have money to throw at fads or fancy solution. It wasn't easy but it also wasnt hard. It takes commitment and willpower but once you lose a bit, it spurs you on. Its more or less eat better, move more. And to also have it done as a PR/gifted thing just doesnt sit right at all
What is there to be proud about Mama Reid.
This is a horrendous message to be sending not only to your family, but your sheep followers. Basically eat whatever you want, continuously lie about your size when doing clothing hauls, then either get a free of subsidized balloon treatment to loose a small amount of weight.
As someone has already mentioned, you don’t have a job, you have all the time in the world during the day while the kids are at school.
Get of your arse and trim down the correct way. If your readings are that bad that is the only way to do this. Fake assistance like this is a short term fix, you need to make a complete lifestyle change in diet and exercise. This will not only help you but your whole family.
Not having a go at the kids, but they look as though they are heading the same way.
Are there not rules about influencers advertising medical things? I'll look into it. As a previous commenter hinted at, her daughter (and son) seem to have a similar body composition to their mum to her so this is really just a disastrous move all round. A family lifestyle change would be so much better. She'll be slimmer for Christmas but bigger again by next summer, mark my words.