hi everyone! i’m just now seeing this, didn’t realize there was a new thread made I was like one of the last posts!
if you didn’t see my first post, i spent basically all of march in dubai. i’ve never been there before, towards the end i felt like i was living there. i stayed with my friend who i have met prior in the US. she recently went back to dubai which is where she has been living and basically working as a snapchat influencer. she has about 1.3m followers. everytime she’d post she would get on average 400-500k views. she is not one of the very glamorous local influencers this thread talks about, but she is well known in the community..especially with the locals. everytime i’d go out with her guys would chase us because they’d recognize her. and also these local guys are on another level of thirsty, i cant tell you the amount of times i was harassed by them while driving and forced to take their snapchats via airdrop. if we’d be standing outside, especially in jumeirah, there was not one car with guys that didn’t catcall.
the “influencers” i have met there are all basically gold diggers, and the way they portray their lives on social media is nothing like what it truly is. even the filters they used were so extreme….they looked nothing like their pics. oh and they wear SO much makeup. Insane amounts. I love wearing makeup, but these girls would be doing full glam every single day.I got to rent some very nice luxury cars while i was there, thanks to her we got a generous discount from the owner…these girls would literally record the steering wheel while i was driving as if they were driving, in reality they didn’t even have a license. just an example of how fake they really are. i found out a lot of tea, like how some of them are secretly doing onlyfans and some in reality have no money like they act like they do online. I’ve become so turned off by the idea of these people. before I went to dubai I had a WAY different perspective than I do now. I romanticized their lifestyle in a way. what I can say now is that nothing is free there and everyone is fake to eachother. they all just use each other to go out and post. let me not forget to mention how this girl was the worst host ever. she would sleep in all day, only went out with me a few times. she’d tell me i complain too much because i would ask her to go to expo with me(which i didn’t even get to end up going to) she didn’t want to do any of the “tourist” stuff with me. although i still had fun i wish i had a different experience. I have so much to share, this experience in dubai was just eye opening for me. please feel free to ask me questions