This thread is soooo good! So happy there is one on this now. I went to school with her and she is an absolute clown.
Have never known someone so desperate for fame and attention- it’s bizarre. She has serious delusions of grandeur and has always been trying to show a picture perfect ‘insta worthy’ life or whatever it would have been back in the day. She’s all fur coat and no knickers aswell with all her designer purchases. She always was like that which was odd, cause she definitely doesn’t come from money, and isn’t from a super well off area, so wouldn’t have had to been keeping up appearances. The amount she spends is shameful! So much waste on rotten clothes she wears ONCE and absolute tack from amazon! no wonder she’s not on the mortgage
Also she was flat out trying to be a model when she was younger and used to have so many ‘photo shoots’ that she had definitely just paid for on her Facebook and stuff. So strange!