Annette Luna/thenamesluna #2

None of you clearly work in healthcare. Mucus shifts, your voice can be croaky one minute and okay the next. The position of mucus in the respiratory tract is what causes a croaky voice.

Come on now let's use our brains here. Okay you don't have to like the woman but let's not pretend she's totally healthy when she's clearly coughing all over the place. She just had a coughing fit talking to Zak

Yeah. Maybe we could all use our brains to also conclude that once again, it’s all for attention.

Or maybe the mucus shifted 🤔🤔
Her lung capacity must be impacted by the huge amount of weight she’s carrying, it seems she’s always been obese ( Status Quo vid) and has gotten bigger due to a sedentary lifestyle .I’d be surprised if she doesn’t develop fluid on the lungs due to lack of movement especially now she’s in her 50’s and dangerously overweight her whole cardiovascular system must be under immense pressure.
Her weight is her biggest problem
None of you clearly work in healthcare. Mucus shifts, your voice can be croaky one minute and okay the next. The position of mucus in the respiratory tract is what causes a croaky voice.

Come on now let's use our brains here. Okay you don't have to like the woman but let's not pretend she's totally healthy when she's clearly coughing all over the place. She just had a coughing fit talking to Zak
Oh god Thankyou so much for this, as a chronically brittle asthmatic for 50+ years I had NO IDEA about chests and coughs and respiratory problems! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Tell me oh wise one, would this also make a stutter appear and disappear or is that something perhaps stomach related….?!
she was having a coughing fit after laughing…. Yes because shes had a cold, that doesn’t explain the croaky squeak one minute and shouting ‘YES THANKYOUUUU FOR THE GIFTS!!!!!!’
bottom line is, this isnt a rave thread.
Oh god Thankyou so much for this, as a chronically brittle asthmatic for 50+ years I had NO IDEA about chests and coughs and respiratory problems! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Tell me oh wise one, would this also make a stutter appear and disappear or is that something perhaps stomach related….?!
she was having a coughing fit after laughing…. Yes because shes had a cold, that doesn’t explain the croaky squeak one minute and shouting ‘YES THANKYOUUUU FOR THE GIFTS!!!!!!’
bottom line is, this isnt a rave thread.

I didn't mention her stutter. I mentioned the way croaky voices work. Play stupid and you'll get stupid answers.

For someone so old you talk like a child
She getting to whiny. Her n Zach not good fit he up for a laugh makes jokes n puns they go over her head or she tell him it's not funny like he a child she tell him off like she his mum.
And why can't she pack her house up herself she had long enough. Keep the bear essentials out

Iv notice to as seen old video on TikTok pop up that she piled more weight on it as nothing to do with PCOS she lazy and use her illness as excuse.
She getting to whiny. Her n Zach not good fit he up for a laugh makes jokes n puns they go over her head or she tell him it's not funny like he a child she tell him off like she his mum.
And why can't she pack her house up herself she had long enough. Keep the bear essentials out

Iv notice to as seen old video on TikTok pop up that she piled more weight on it as nothing to do with PCOS she lazy and use her illness as excuse.

She and Zac bring out the best in each other to be fair
Neighbours are sorry to see her go….. 🤣🤣🤣
Her next door neighbour is on posting similar things