This is interesting. It’s almost like a completely different person wrote this. I’ve noticed the dramatic difference before myself. She certainly seemed more attached to reality in the past and even presented herself and dressed more like a normal human being then. She was definitely more attractive, less freakish and exaggerated. I wonder, did she start her fully committed decent into skankhood and megalomania when Trent dropped into her DMs? She was always a narc but that seems to be a marked turning point in her psychosis. Or - and I say this in all seriousness - have we actually been watching a splitting of her personality before our very eyes (which led her to Trent)? I think I’ve pondered here before that she is so fully immersed in delusion that she appears to have a dissociative disorder/split personality. Whereby the psyche creates a second or multiple personalities to cope with past trauma or stress. It’s very complex of course but frequently one of the split personalities will have traits that the wounded person wishes they had had to have protected themselves from the initial trauma in the first place. For instance; strength, hubris, self-confidence, independence, power. If you think about the person Anna wants to portray herself to be now that would definitely fit. With a side order of sexual abuse survivor hyper-sexuality. Just some food for thought…