Yes Bex, she gave you 5 A4 pages of gas lighting drivel, why aren't you respecting her? (Dripping with sarcasm)
Anna, you idiot. You ARE being held accountable fairly, you have not followed through on a single one of these promises besides printing out some ugly canvases!
1- you didn't sell out your NFT because your greed did you in. You didn't need to have over 5000 JPEGs in the collection that was your choice you dummy. It was never, ever going to sell out.
2- that is obviously why you got impatient and needed to jump to your drop shipping scam at "30% sold out". Not because you're EXCEEDING expectations but rather because you failed in the first place. Selling ill fitting tights at 30% is not better than selling them at 100%, it's probably a lot worse for your "investors".
3- your hub started out
tit, and it has stayed
tit because when your NFT stopped selling to new buyers there was no new money coming in, so you just dipped out on that hoping you could bamboozle your audience with a shiney new SLS! And then inner circle and on and on and on. You haven't delivered on any promises for your stupid hub, and it's blatantly clear that you didn't expect anyone to notice.
4- it is not showing respect to your victims, I mean, investors to need a further 7 days to do something they have been expecting from you for 22 months.
Anna you are pathetic and you are furious and I hope you're scared that your whole arse is showing. You are a scam artist and you kinda suck at it. Your narcissistic tendencies fooled you into thinking your audience love you as much as you move yourself. Apparently they aren't all as spineless and blind as you were hoping they would be