So.. when is Anna gonna start doing anything for her gLoBaL coMPanies? Literally NOTHINGGGG has been done.. for MONTHS!
There are ZERO updates about anything.
The vixen collection website is STILL a
tit show months after launch.
Where’s the next collection? Photoshoot? CoMMUnIty were supposed to be choosing the next collection “name” Is this going to be another “pre order” situation?
Zero effort to sell more NFTs - so does this mean she doesn’t need to pay her confused investors?
Zero updates about her meta ads that she flew to sydney or wherever to learn about, way over a month ago. As an investor this issue alone would be making me anxious, why is she not putting Taw ads out there?
Where are the profit updates? When will the profit be paid out to confused admirers? It’s nearly tax timeeeeee
Where are the hats? Stickers? Drink bottles or whatever junk she bought from ali express. So many promises and no delivery all the time!
An explanation on why there isn’t a taw drop EVERY month like Anna once promised there would be - fooling the confused investors into thinking there would be a lot more collections = a lot more profits
Of course, STILL, zero… ZERO hub updates. None. Nothing since the launch of the hub nearly 2 years ago? When it was promised there would be guest speakers, updates, classes, courses. There’s just nothing?
Taw tour of aus
sorry I can’t even say that with a straight face. What about the floral carpet material jumpsuit she bought for it!
Also, I’m sure she will sweep under the rug the fact her social media manager failed and scammed people with their own NFT and didn’t distribute any profit.
I’m sure there is much much more i haven’t included.
Anna seems to have lots of self care time, holidays, wee man short king massages, time to drink alcohol and go to the gym, and neglect everything business related. Not very SHE-E-O of her.
Tough lesson but when you are a business owner (which Anna is - with investors especially) you really don’t just get to take a month off and drop the ball, especially when you don’t have staff to pick up the slack. But, let’s be honest the balls had been dropping all over the place even before her friend passing.
This whole thing is an absolute
tit show, and her confused investors need to start speaking up. Not much of what Anna has promised has been delivered and there’s plenty of video and photo evidence of that.