Of course I can happily give you a general information. Firstly I want to add, that I really do think, that he earns at least 500.000.- annually. My boss earns 140K and again, he is not even close to the position of Anna's bisexual best friend.
What would this salary gain you as a person who is single, or a person with a nonworking partner, in Geneva?
& What lifestyle can you afford with this much?
It's not much if the situation is as you described, plus in Switzerland every canton has different tax laws, Geneva has one of the highest tax laws.
I think for a single person it's a very good salary, as I said I am close to this wage and I am single, hence I can afford staying at FS or buying some luxury brands every now and then. Originals of course, Aija.
You can still live a good life, but not an affluent one with that salary.
Also his work position - is it an affluent one? In high society events do people with his title usually attend?
Usually yes, but it's important to say that there are more important people and bigger banks, that the one he is working for. I think his working position can be considered as a high working position, but idk if I can call it affluent, because I know people who are higher than him. :-( Sorry, Anja.
Any insights into his travels with Anna - would any part of it be work trips or compensated by the bank?
Yes, with a very high possibility, he most probably has a traveling budget, the budget has to be spent within a year, otherwise for the next year he might get less if he didn't spend it. Some people pretend to travel more than what the budget allows, so they'll get more budget for the next year.
Thank you for trusting my judgment, darling.