Questions Classy People NEVER Ask! (& how to answer them)
My question: How are you still on YouTube?
1. "What do you do?" - Anna says this is intrusive. To some extent it is, and there are good reasons not to assume when you first meet someone that they are employed. But the reason she doesn't like this question is because the honest answer would be, "scamming people on the internet." Anna admits that she doesn't tell people what she does unless she knows them well, and vaguely says she "works in marketing." She blathers about how one's job does not "define" you and complains that when she worked as a matchmaker she got too many questions and people asking for "free advice." You don't get anything from Anna unless prepared to pay 1000 EUR for a "course" made from stolen material. And once again she gets in a little jab at people supposedly looking down on SAHMs. Well Anna, it's no one else's fault that you failed in your goal of landing a wealthy man and not having to work again.
How to answer - Anna has a variety of suggestions:
- "Why are you asking?"
- Joking about "Are you police?"
- Lying/giving a vague answer like she does
- Deflecting with your own question
- Saying that your line of work is too boring to discuss
- Saying that you aren't comfortable being asked about your finances - which isn't what they were asking you ...
2. "When are you having kids?", "Are you planning on having kids?" or any more questions around children. She went through half the video on her first question so basically just says "well some people have fertility issues or just don't want children."
How to answer - Just say you're not comfortable talking about it, or divert by asking about the other person's children
3. "Why are you single/not married?" Translation: Anna is sick of people asking her why Joe isn't around
How to answer - Again "why do you want to know?" or say that you'll tell the person if anything changes
4. "Where are you really from?" Translation: Anna is fed up with people who don't believe she isn't Russian. She quotes some of her followers (who probably are women of colour that have far worse experiences with this than Anna does) saying they hate being asked this question. Plug for LevelUpClass
How to answer - LOL she's not gonna tell you!
5. "Other questions" - Don't ask how much money someone makes, what their sexual orientation is, and don't ask about religion or politics. She finishes with "if I tell you I work in marketing, don't ask me for specifics!"
So basically, she wanted to make a video ranting about how she doesn't like being asked what she does (because she'd have to admit she's a con artist and not a successful one at that) then padded it out with some other stuff to make her intentions less obvious! Way to go, Anna!