oh sh8t its a mare, she's huge - too big for a first horse....it looks very sharp type (as in if she doesn't ride it well it will have her off). if it came with that lead rein id be worried - its a stallion chain lead rein typically used for control over difficult/stallion horses....... why would she wear what looks like fine Hermes leather gloves not a pair of roekl riding gloves? they will rip in seconds if the horse pulls.... the footwear doesn't look ideal either...
all horses test a new owner. mine reared for the first two weeks....... and mine is actually a kind natured horse! a gelding.... this isn't going to end well. I give it 3 months max maybe 2
she's 8 which hasn't given much time for her to see a lot of the world, for a first horse for a rider like AB id suggest min 10/12 yrs old .... its a warmblood (I have one!) they are all kooky in some respect .... not ideal starter horse
I find this hilarious. she's gone from school horses (who at her level of bad riding they will only allow you to ride very safe steady types ) to a warmblood sports horse! . this mare won't enjoy having her on its back making mistakes and bouncing around....... even the way she hold the horse says beginner.. its accident after accident waiting to happen.
plus its a time commitment. no wonder she wants a month off. even if its on full livery (she needs it on schooling livery tbh where a pro rides it 3 times a week to keep it a bit more tired) she will have to go and ride it 5/6 times pw min. so grooming/tacking up and taking off tack 35 mins plus 45-1 hr ride .... plus travel per day. she needs so much help, lugging, bits, tack, health..... I hope she's had full x rays on it !
she's even less time to level up herself and hit the gym now !
it need a varied routine flat/jump/hack/passoa/lunge............... she needs someone with her everyday until she knows what to do herself...... and lessons every time she rides until she can cut them down to a couple a week.....
I do hope she knows only elegant ladies like the Queen ride side saddle!!! lol.... good luck riding elegantly side saddle on a bouncy warmblood...