You know how the rat keeps bragging about her finishing school diploma? (It is not technically a diploma btw, as the course she did is unaccredited.)
I know a young woman who was sent to that school... Wait for it... As a punishment.
Right after she finished high school, and in the summer before she started university, her parents felt she was too "unladylike" and needed to learn how to behave, so they shipped her off to IVP. This is how so many girls from certain families end up there. They're slightly embarrassed about it; this acquaintance told her friends home she was at a language course. If you ask me, this is emotionally abusive behavior from her parents, kind of like signing up your kid to swimming classes cause she's fat. You'll never ever find see this woman bragging about her time at the IVP, unless she's making a self-deprecating joke or drunkenly talking about her mommy and daddy issues.
People who don't get into debt to go to this school are secretive about it as they're self-conscious about it.
I'll admit that I considered doing a training as such as I started to enter situations out of my comfort zone since my early 20s. The thought of confessing this anonymously to this group makes me shudders. I decided against it, but if I ever went to one, I'd pretend I went on a holiday and nobody would ever know about it. Just like I clear out my search history when I look for my favorite internet reality show villain, whom all of you also adore.
In a way, going to IVP or a finishing school is admitting an insecurity, and a vulnerability. It's the same thing as bragging on and on about your nose job. (Well, some people are vulgar enough to do so.)
Bragging about having gone to a finishing school means that the whole thing completely failed its raison d'etre.
As we all know, money talks, wealth whispers. On the other hand, Anna Bey screams, gutterally.