it was while she was on vacation. Apologies I spoke rashly
@Bastine de Beaumanoir , I just remembered the picture on her IG reels. From the picture it looks like she’s dressing the table but the video is about how to eat pasta… which doesn’t make sense why she’d pick this photo to represent the IG reel she usually picks a funny picture of her doing it inelegantly. Like falling, sitting awkwardly etc. but hey maybe now she will give us a table dressing video since people have commented asking for elegant meals to cook their husbands
or maybe you were referencing this other photo where she completes her final exam for the institut villa pierrefeu finishing school
Yes, it confirms what I'm saying above, @thank you
@aliciaaaa, she was never allowed to film something like that in the appartment and the furniture of the appartment is not made for people who have to eat. Beside, to dress a table in the good manner you have to possess the Table's items like beautiful tablecloth, cutlery, plates, all sort of glasses, specifique service plates, etc.
She used the same pink dress in the "appartment" to create the impression that the IVP table, where si is wearing the dress, was her's.
About her IVP examen related to the european table : I said it 1M times, she learned the service part and the European table in general, that's why she is not able to recognize the French style from the British or American style.
When one learns the "lady" part, not the service part, one understands that European protocol is like a language, you have to recognize right away if you are in a French setting, Russian setting etc. at the table, because you have to act accordingly. For the other people and for the service. Then it's like a coreography where each people knows the part : in which order to speak with the persons next to you, how to pass "le saucier", how to take the meal from the service plate, etc. Table manners in Europe are like a waltz : for the most people the waltz is a sort of turning around and make circles while for people who took lessons of waltz there are specific movement very well codified. When, in a party, you have a partner who really knows the waltz, you recognize him right away and adapt the movements. This is the way people behave at the formal tables in the European good society and this is how they spot somebody who doesn't have sufficient experience in the society.
In her case, no comment : making videos about eating pasta..... With her butt in that Playboy position....