More notes from the notebook
Step 1 – Do what the rich people do
Define your luxury lifestyle goal / dream life (dans le workbook)
Align your daily lifestyle and energy with the rich
Module 1 Podcast
Ways to access high society (wealth + network)
Step 1 – Do what the rich people do
- In the affluent society, people will be looking into the details
- This transformation is about being open to change (shed old skin to grow a better one)
- Requires you to go out of your comfort zone
- Have a perfected and smart personnal brand and stick to it
Define your luxury lifestyle goal / dream life (dans le workbook)
Align your daily lifestyle and energy with the rich
- Know that you have a spot in that community (law of attraction)
- Upgrade all the areas of your life that you can
- Where you live
- Where you run your errands
- Where you go on your free time (day and night)
- Charity
- Travel (Get the same travel experience as them + before going to a destination, researsh where the rich go in that destination)
- Career
Module 1 Podcast
Ways to access high society (wealth + network)
- Career : Aquiring wealth by myself
- Be with a wealthy and well connected man
- Level up in family
- The best one : networking
- Gradual level up
- 1st step : people with the same objective – 2nd step : small fishs (beginning of millions), 3rd step : big fishes (multimillionnaires), 4th step : whales (3 figures millionnaires + billionnaires)
- Upgraded lifestyle, access to best men, best circles
- When affluent people like someone who is not as affluent, they help them
- Best strategy = hybrid
- Secret millionnaires / billionnaires
- Not obvious with wealth
- You can feel more at ease with them
- Nouveaux riches
- Can be family money
- Don’t look down on them because you can gain good opportunities
- Go to traditional jet set places
- Easy to spot
- Easy to get access to
- Old money
- Aristocracy, family money
- More snob, hard to access
- Elitism : background and education have to be absolutely perfect
- Traditional values
- They don’t like glamorous women, they prefer plain jane women