No, she doesn't care about her followers at all. Her only mission in life has been to make her dream come true. The problem is her dream of living an affluent life the prostitute/parasitic way hasnt worked for her. As a jetsettbabe blogger she was only and obviously drooling over what she too could do. In time she realized that she gathered some "followers" I guess it's when she thought she could make the most of it, and as she's determined and ruthless she realized that she could make money by sharing/selling her "experience'. That would catch as the "my story' 'was like you' narrative in almost every website that sells promises does . I had my big cringe when in one of her videos she explained why she would never show her man ( big catch) because there are ...'flies" out there drooling for her man. 'flies' was her title for other women. Then she used elegance as a facade only instead of saying dress /behave/go about as an expensive prostitue if you want a generous client. Such a pity.Agreed. Anna is a snake.
If she CARED so much about her “community of women”, why didn’t she ever bother to cultivate, nurture, invest in her MANY OTHER GROUPS???
1. What happened to the JetSetBabe loyal followers of hers? They didn’t buy her sh*t, so she dumped them. Stole their ideas and blocked them.
2. What happened to the “7 Step Formula to High Society” girls? They bought her course and she literally ABANDONED the FB group. (I know because I’m still a part of it). Hasn’t done anything to bring value to that group!
3. What happened to her Discord group / all the women that bought SOTEW?? It’s pretty much dead as we’ve heard from several people that are part of that chat group. Anna promised those girls SO MUCH, yet delivered very little value and barely made herself available to answer any of their questions. Many of the girls have said that a lot of their questions got skipped each week during her private podcast.. where she answered all the simple no brainer questions.
Why did Anna abandon all these previous groups?? Because she doesn’t care about people AT ALL.
All she wants is their money and personal info so that she can later BENEFIT in some way from you.
but from being whatever she likes in her life to calling women 'flies" to gathering such flies into an A-list of failed wannabe FLIES Anna, is becoming more and more transparent and sincere. Not because she means to be sincere, but because she can't help it. sincerity comes along with two things: a. shamelessness, b. the 'hubris' law ( to put it simply) . She will do the worst ( look how erratic she has become trying to 'answer' to tattle's suggestions before she falls. Question is how many she''s gonna harm befor and while falling.
What respect can one have for a woman who calls other women FLIES? Poor Anna, she hasnt made her dream come true, and as one only gets older, she knows she can no longer teach /promise what she obviously hasn't accomplish. So now her one and only concern is how to gather as much money as she can , put it aside for rainy days/years because after all she doesn't seem to have collected enough Birkin bags to sell after the sugar daddy/sponsonr flies away to other 'flies'. Now that was another thing that made me cringe in disgust and bewilderment too, she advised women/flies to collect luxury bags from their clients in order to have something to turn into cash after the ...romance comes to an end.
after that I saw how desperate, callous, not at all clever and cynical she was. Jetsetbabe was her best days. Pity, she could 've become a happy woman. She is just very loneyly now Lonely and frustrated, still cynical and desperate.
What people here often call "ugly' and how she has gone for the worse is just what radiates from her unhappy inside. It can only get worse. Lonely, unhappy, and unloved. It shows, she can't hide it.