Are we looking at the same Isabel? A few designer handbags (that are on the lower end) no Hermes or Channel. Only 1 far away trip (to the Maldives and staying at a budget resort). She doesn't have a man to spoil her, she has a sugar daddy who pays her for service, it's sex work. Nothing to brag about, especially when Dubai is one of the richest cities and other sugar babies get a lot more from their sponsors.
Correct. Being a sugar baby is not levelling up, especially if it involves actual sex acts. That is prostitution,which is the world's oldest professional. How is that levelling up in any way, shape of form? Whether she has D&G or Target bags does nothing to change what is essentially her 'trade" being prostitution. As for referring to someone as your "sponsor" (usually reserved for people in A.A, or as we see it here with "sponsors" of orphans etc in Third World Countries), how is that something to brag about? How sad it is that these women on Instagram etc are teaching women to value possession above their self respect? There is a difference between flexing possessions and bragging verses actually knowing you've done something worthwhile with yourself in your lifetime (not just your 15 minutes of "fame" and not needing to tell the world about it). We know a strong and accomplished women when we see one. We don't need to go to Instagram for that. I wish these women could look into the future and see that all those designer labels are not going to give them an iota of comfort when they are old, infirm and wondering why nobody visits them anymore because they have burnt all their bridges and other relationships along the way.
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