It makes me sick that Julie would think it's okay to post content like that to Ana's young viewers who most likely wouldn't even notice that she isn't even naked and post a picture of them being naked and putting all sorts of hastags that child predators would search to get off too. How does Julie not realise that this is not okay? Like imagine when Ana someone had put the exact same thing up and Ana did that, how would that make Julie feel? I mean if that was my little cousin doing that I would be going batshit crazy. Imagine how a parent would feel that a full grown adult with two kids encouraged there ten year old to post naked pictures on the internet which would be there forever. I don't normally go off on these threads, I don't normally get all worked up but this makes me sick like I actually want to throw up. Julie should know better, someone needs to do something that will make her realise that it's not okay.