So happy to see so many others on here who love her as much as I do!
I totally agree too, that she had her troubles before the big-time fame, which made them so much worse... it definitely began with her dad. She never even seen him and he took nothing to do with her until the fame and money started to roll in. And bringing the camera crew along when she was trying to find some peace in the Caribbean... it beggars belief. Her friend Nick was right when he said that she could have had a chance to get well before the world wanted a piece of her. The sad thing is, it seems she would definitely have went to rehab if her dad had said so.
Another part I found very upsetting (and just plain WTF?) in the documentary, is how when she was a teen, she told both her mum and dad about her 'great diet' where she would make herself sick after eating, and they BOTH didn't think anything of it or take it seriously?
The doc also put the timelines in order for me, as Blake said when they got back from America after getting married, that was the first time he introduced Amy to hard drugs. Does anyone else get the impression that he deliberately waited til they were married before doing this? So they were more tied together. And I was absolutely spitting feathers at him mocking her when they were in a rehab facility, getting her to sing 'Rehab' but then smirking 'but where are we now? give us the new updated version' ... then she said "I don't really mind it here" ... it was just awful. A few days later, the infamous bloodied pap shots
The paps were such vultures, never leaving her alone, winding her up and quite literally waiting outside her front door... a few years ago I took a walk in Camden and went to see a couple of her old houses (that's how bad it was, that her very addresses were public knowledge!). The Prowse Place one was completely in the open, no gates or anything, you could have walked right up to her front door. Were injunctions against paparazzi not a thing back then?