Amy Plus Slimmers

She does look like his mum.
They obv didnt work together in the end but I have to say her and Colin looked well suited.Sybil has been told to pose for insta since day dot so thats probably why shes like that
Yes about Sybil which is quite sad as she always looks a bit vacant behind the eyes when she’s posing. I see Colin’s put a bit of weight on and also got a new woman. It’s nice they all get on but I wonder how much they do in real life as I don’t believe that’s possible 🤷🏼‍♀️
It can work if ur lucky, unfortunately for me the man I fell pregnant to after a month of meeting turned out to be an abusive piece of tit. I can't believe she's pregnant again, 5 kids to 3 guys is mental. Up to her though
Im sorry to hear that happened ,even though ive done it and we're still together I wouldnt reccomend it ,I dont think its the easiest path to take,especially if you have previous kids
Agree shes mental,I couldnt be arsed at all.3 baby dads sounds more exhausting than the 5 kids part