It's interesting, I used to envy AOA a bit for being so organised and a seemingly model parent but she occasionally lets things slip about how hard it is with the kids and it makes me sad that she feels the need to control everything so tightly - I reckon they actually have heaps of cash because they don't eat out much or buy much stuff and they save the cash for quality time- some of their holidays are super $$! Some of their holidays this year and in 2019 were hectic. Also, she used to engage a lot with her brother Scott Spain who shacked up with a woman who seems a bit crazy and was having fertility issues. They finally had a little girl a bit younger than AOA's eldest. I noticed that his page went private and Brooke stopped showing any reference to the brother's partner. Interesting, seems there's a rift. She shows less of Thomas too. I know too much. But this is a safe space! LOL