Amy & Co #4 Alcoholic Amy, Beige Brooke, Kriminal Kristen, Joyless Jade, Loser Leigh

I know she has been discussed briefly before but who is she and who was she married too? Why is she so wealthy or is it just debt racking up? Also I swear she has kids seen them one or twice, are they hers?
She we married to the one of the owners of roses only. I think they sold the business now.
Absolutely ded that KFE posted this! Surprised there’s no affiliate link!!!

Rhian is putrid. The only reason they are happily married is that she’s making major coin. Imagine if she had three kids and was still a ‘paralegal’, juggling work and a household bc he’s clearly useless.
I think rhian would make bank as a tobacco sales exec. But you’re right, I don’t think that bank would have extended to her staying home forever unemployed with three kids living a life of constant outings, breaks, renovations and consumerism.