Personally, I've never really had a problem with women making the children discourse (specifically, not wanting children) about themselves due to the very irritating pressure that's placed on women in the first place about getting pregnant, having kids, being a mum. Because, yeah, tbh, she would be far more part of the baby making process just in the physical sense alone.
I'm not saying men are useless, that they only give up sperm and do sweet duck all after conception or that pregnancy doesn't affect men mentally or physically. But at the end of the day, it's always going to be far less taxing on men by a mile.
Of course, you want that decision to be a mutual one and you'd hope Dan is in agreement. And if it wasn't, well, resentment is a killer.
(Also, some ppl are truly too vapid to be parents, and that's really for the best lol.)