At the end of the day, plenty of people just don’t care about these sorts of things unfortunately and really just want to watch a pretty basic blonde girl get lip filler and do her makeup. So long as the issue is vague enough that she can hide behind weird excuses, people are happy to excuse her or at least not have to pretend to care about it. Others will eventually let their own anger fade eventually because they don’t truly care that much about it either. This is the same for brands.
However, after many wrongdoings that never went anywhere, this one did finally make at least a small impact on her ‘brand’ and her image and did likely alienate at least some small core of viewers. And as noted above, there won’t be much more leeway in the future for her ignorance.
Personally, I can’t stomach to even look at anything of hers anymore, she is a horrible person and beyond repair for me.