When I was a stay at home mum for 5 years I nearly lost my mind. This is why, despite the fact she does my head in, she does get some concern from me. A lot of my days consisted of walking to wilko with my littlest in the Pram after I did the nursery run and buying that days cleaning products then going home to clean. I bought one days supply at a time so I had the enjoyment of the walk to wilko the next day
and my house got cleaned top to bottom even though it had been done the day before and the day before that. My ex had no interest in me or the kids and we never went anywhere or did anything. I see something in her that was in me. I’m not saying it’s all down to her being bored however I honestly believe if she found a job and made some new friends all this obsessive buying would at least slow down and she would find some self worth