Only someone as innately stylish and fabulous as you Edna can pull these off.
No mistakes seen. Your English is great
I think a big part of it is narcs like her are so terrified of abandonment and being alone that they have to control everything and everyone. They do it with deceit, manipulation, sabotage, abuse and that need for total power over others that they end up with everyone leaving and they create a tiny, bitter, angry, unhappy life for themselves. My mother has a tiny, tiny fraction of the life she could have had and frankly it's mainly all of her own doing. On the inside Alice is as unhappy, angry, bitter and envious as my mother is. It's sad really. They create the life they are terrified of but they don't have the emotional capacity or honesty to see it or do anything positive to change it. The hell they inflict on their prey is ultimately the hell they end up stuck in.