RECAP #276
•Y’all! These threads are going faster than Alice flying across the courtroom to take photos of Ioan and Andrea!
•I pondered whether we would hit thread 300 by the year’s end, a recap or two ago. Now I’m worried we we’ll hit it by American
Thanksgiving in November…I say American because Canadians have a different thanksgiving. Harvest innit.
•Just as Alice seemed to be slowing down in the comments of her latest post and the thread came to a close, we find out there’s a proof of service document on the court docket for Ioan’s response to why Alice should sit the deposition and that the scope not be narrowed to what Alice is misinterpreting and demanding
•When the response hit Andrea took her moment and not only commented on the response, she put up a poll lmao
•To all of our amusement, as far as one can be amused in a situation like this, Tattle receipts made it into Ioan’s response but the real take away from the response is that Ioan ain’t playing no more.
•He included the cuntemporary post with the prescriptions for what seemed like a build up to ask the judge to not award any spousal support given Alice unrelenting and escalating behaviour.
•The picture that Alice posted of Elsie with the nebulizer made it into the court papers too. It feels like maybe there will be a separate action forthcoming to address the many violations of the custody stipulation.
duck Alice is such a
bleep and obviously that’s redundant but, as we all know, it bears repeating….and repeating and repeating and repeating
•So then Alice posts a story. The whole story could have been told succinctly had she just stopped at “I am such an idiot.”
•Bianca posts an anniversary photo of when she joined Ioan in France……but it’s the same damn day Ioan’s response dropped and don’t we all just love that so freaking much?
•Alice used to be able to make any old inflammatory post and it made the Daily Mail but maybe those days are dwindling.
•The article that did appear in the DM was one by Neil Blincow who was in court when Alice lost the plot on the 9th of September.
•It’s not the usual Boshoff
special so it not only included both DVRO and Stipulation violations by Alice but it highlighted them
•Yahoo’s take:
•This is Alice, history’s hardest working single con/mom ever, and her third con in almost as many years. She almost has a work schedule.
•While she normally has form playing the “will she/won’t she turn up” game, this wasn’t the case this time.
•We’ve been treated to, separately, so that’s 3, count ‘em 3 individual instagram selfies of the Walrus in a taxi, in a plane and in a hotel room. John Candy and Steve Martin eat your hearts out
•Also included were some tattle fan faves:
•Manky Tank
•Tits Akimbo
•Alice 3 sharp ones in
•Filters that won’t solve her neck or her face’s current state
•Alice’s last post was in Eastern Standard Time so roughly 2 am ish her time which does not bode well for her tomorrow….yet seems ripe (lol) for material that could be the new catchphrase or inside joke that we’ll eat up
•Bianca has some family visiting from the Brazilian side and it was posted in a story that can be found here
U2, we’re so happy that the storm has now passed you by
•Yoyo, thank you for being brave and sharing your family’s story with us. We are hoping, along with you I’m sure, that it’s firmly in the past
•Mavis, keep strong and you too Luloo
•That’s all for now, see you at the next one