just noting that I took a look at the court calendar today and the judge has an absolutely packed schedule. Not unusual (although I definitely remember them blocking off a whole afternoon for their case alone when they were setting up custody trial dates), but given the time both parties estimate to need for witnesses (which honestly is insane, but that's what you get when you make a support RFO as convoluted as Alice's lawyer did) this is going to take a lot more than just this hearing.
The tough part for Alice will be whether the judge thinks he should order temporary support till they have gone through the evidentiary hearing in full or if she has to wait for this until all is done (like Ioan btw suggested it), which could take months.
It actually just occured to me that Alice didnt asked for temporary support (which I would understand) but for a final order on support only (at least for child support, for spousal support they want a temporary order based on guideline pending the court validating the prenup, that's why the judge wanted them to sort this out themselves first, if possible), which given that she hasnt even provided her full financial information is
insane. This whole time I gave her more credit than she deserves
I honestly don't understand why her lawyer smashed so many things into one RFO: alone the fact that they have to crunch through custody stuff again for no reason may actually delay any order awarding her support. I mean I get she does most of this to drive up costs etc, but in this case it actually doesnt do that and works against her.