He does play fetch!! It’s his favourite thing - his little bottom waggles with happiness when I pick up the tennis ball/one of his forty toys (yes, forty - when he’s not playing he gathers them together and makes a bed of them) and gallops off at high speed (frequently crashing into the wall, but no sense, no feeling). But he only brings toys. When I ask for something useful, he plays dumb, bats his long black eyelashes, and snuggles down purring. Little wastrel. I would’ve tried to teach him what AlkaSeltzer was otherwise (hobbled to the pub - slight headache but the pain in my knee/sciatica is a million times worse than usual).
Please please please can we have the bread recipe @batshi*barbie, so I can make a loaf for next weekend’s Carb Day.
Hope to run across you in Amsterdam some day,
@Old Soak. I used to go four times a year when I had recurring (and very painful) breast abscesses (I won’t buy from street dealers in the UK because there’s often human slavery involved in its production, young County Lines kids have been drawn into crime, and I don’t know what the hell they spray it with - it’s so strong I nearly pulled a whitey when just passing someone having a toke last week on the way home from the chemist). I remember watching a snooker match in a cafe there once - everything looked very ordinary (people reading books, chatting about the new albums they’d bought, studying etc) until I realised that no-one had been able to pot the ball for forty-five minutes… but there’s ^the^ most amazing strain over there - number 4 on the menu at my favourite cafe - which kills pain, slows down time, makes colours incredibly vibrant and the world exceptionally sharp, allows you to think all the Big Thoughts without interruption, and doesn’t cause CatastroMunchies.
Avoid the Amnesia. It’s very stressful.
I wonder if Bianca uses edibles for the MS? My neighbour, who has rapid onset and went from walking to wheelchair in four years, has a daily joint and says it manages his symptoms very well. He’s also had a LOT of counselling, which I imagine BW has had to have also - so the Malice related stress must have been really damaging. I do love Bianca’s positivity (as I’ve said before, she can keep the crystals and woo, but her attitude is exemplary): MS is a nasty beast - a friend once compared it to Parkinsons in that it suddenly robs your limbs of use; is that an apt description, MS people here? - and to deal with a man who had horrors in his past, plus her own DV experience, having to emigrate in a hurry, live in an entirely new place with a person, and have Malice abuse him, her, and her by proxy through the girls and *still* come across as an upbeat person whom everyone seems to love is pretty intense and incredible. I hope she has an amazing part in JW4 and avoids being eaten.
@Hiraeth Sorry if this question has already been asked (I know how busy you are just in your working life, not to mention looking after dear Mr H and helping him through seasonal allergy hell - oy vey! I’m sure you’re glad it’s nearly pumpkin spice season): when will we know whether Malice sat for the deposition? And any sanctions therein? Will it be dealt with at one of the upcoming trial setting conferences, or will Judge Josh go Marcellus Wallace on her? (I hope you have had that lemon drop martini by now!)
Love to all. I don’t know what I would do without you lot sometimes.
PS the crow story made me cry. They’re such intelligent birds - they can recognise themselves in glass and thus have self-knowledge, they have a sense of time (both the passing of it and historical memory), they are aware of mortality and have death rituals, they’re tool users and problem solvers, their brains are curiously bundled with neurons in a way that makes no evolutionary sense… everyone, look after your corvids!