As you can probably guess from my name, I was big into AM/TLSP and subsequently its Tumblr fandom from about 2012-2016 (I still dabble now and then but it's definitely a lot quieter).
Even managed to meet Alex Turner back in 2016 on the EYCTE tour. He was lovely when he came out after, obviously a bit bevvied (I didn't manage to get a photo with Miles but those who did said the boy was
reeking of booze
) but Alex was very nice to everyone, taking photos and even retaking a couple that hadn't turned out right. He actually took our photo together (because I was clearly struggling to reach and keep balance on the wall) by just lifting my phone out my hand, happily telling me he was getting quite good at taking selfies and showing me he could flip the camera like a wee proud da'
It was really dark so I thought it was going to be a
tit photo but instead he just told me to "come in't light, love" and basically half-pulled me into him over the railing so I could actually be seen
Which was super cute and lovely - but I should also note that a handful of us who'd got to the venue early waited by their bus and while Miles stopped to say a quick hello despite the light rain, Alex refused to even
look at us (which was pretty deflating at the time). So it definitely depends on mood/day (and probs blood alcohol level) that you catch him in
From what I remember, that whole 'messaging scandal' was very much debunked. A lot didn't add up and it seemed v. likely to be a catfishing thing (I remember rumours that strongly suspected how/who but can't find any of the receipts to back it up so I won't go pointing fingers). But there's still a lot of little issues/behaviours in recent years that have made me take a step back. Still listen to and love their music but I try to keep a distance between art and artist these days.