
She could be making money from her “mukbang” videos lol
In all honesty I think I would rather sell my Fanny than record myself eating like a pig to thousands 😭✋🏽
Was thinking the same. It could be Onlyfans or fetish weirdos who like good looking girls eating and making disgusting noises
I just dont get her at all
You are not the only one. I’m not sure how she thinks she is an influencer. On another note it looks like one father has given permission for child’s face to be shown and the second father has denied it. Would love to know the tea on her. Is it true the second child was conceived while still going out with the first baby daddy
Why is she giving out about having to find somewhere else when she said it herself that she knew it was going to be a short term lease when she started renting?
Must be true that the kids have different Dad's. She put up another pic with the toddlers face covered but not the baby's face. Strange since she had a pic of the ex and the baby a while ago saying they were twins 🤣
She’ll probably say it’s cause the older son is getting older & more recognisable or something but it’s defo odd
She must have fucked up big time . First baby daddy has a proper job she could have no house worries and they were def together taking nine months off birth of baby no two….
Why have these children if you’ve no where to rare them? But it’s always the governments fault. She moved into that house knowing it was going to be a short lease so she has no reason to be on crying.
She’s a joke. Get off your lazy hole & get a job. Take some responsibility for yourself. I’d set myself on fire before I’d cry on the internet