
So she’s had an influx of new followers, no doubt because she tagged Smeggy Becky in her story & then she shared it, she’s been desperate for new followers lately going on about how her account is slow growing etc she’s so bloody boring though, I can’t even see Beckys stupid worshippers sticking with this one!
Even the Christmas decorations are a bore! What was that garland she made for the window 💩

That box round the tree looks weird!
She wonders why her account is so slow growing but it’s because she has no content!!! Blabs on about one boring thing for ages while showing everyone out her kitchen window & clearing her throat every 2 minutes!
Why doesn't she work? Her girls are both older!!

She says it’s because she’s a carer for her eldest, who just turned 20 & goes to uni!! I guess she doesn’t need to work though as she never stops spending so presumably her hubby works to keep them all!