You caught that smug face of hers perfectly in this picture. She’s truly vile - she thinks she’s so much better than everyone else and you know she’s a total witch when the camera is off. I’d love it if he left her but she keeps his balls in one of those boxes she hoards so he can’t find them.
Yep, I did, glad you noticed. I was just meaning to get right pic of him, he always sticks his tongue out soon as he sees food and then I noticed her smarmy I know it all, ive done it all and been everywhere face. I highly recommend date nights,,,,yeh cause your a generic labeler.....lots of people have "date nights" they just dont use your tiresome social media keywords. You know what, its not about date nights as you feed your already overweight unhealthy husband the highest salt, fat and carbs food, it's about caring about his health and not feeding him
tit, cause clearly she makes 99 percent of the food choices. She will of course say, oh we balance it with healthy foods, bs he's forver chomping on crisps, coca cola and sausage rolls. Her over cooked slop has lost a ton of its nutrients by the time she has finished boiling it to death. Where's the steamer, to lightly cook veg,wheres all the pulses, beans, fibre etc. Raw foods ie salads, fresh fruit. Yeh I know he's a grown man, but when it comes to bag habits, everyone needs help, it's called true love, not "date night" filmed on some
crappy camera cause she thinks the viewers will be jealous.
So agree with you, hell yes she's a complete
witch off camera and has him by the day though, that man will break free, she stifles him in every way, but lol date night, what a joke, thats not love, he's unhealthy!
She is just horrible, Barney’s mum bought them a lovely Xmas panettone bread and she complained it was to bulky, they aren’t going to eat it (you know it’ll be found in 2027) and a card from his brother was totally missed and discarded
She is the type of female that wants him all for herself, his family doesn’t matter all about hers
Barney tucking his beloved Pepsi max into the fridge.! How can two people have all that kitchen stuff. It’s a four bedroom family house with a kitchen the same size as mine and all my cooking utensils, plates and food are in my kitchen not in a storage cupboard
Pannetone too bulky, says she with the endless filled with cheese sourdough loaves. Lmao yes it will, look what ive found, ten years later, lets eat it, it's got sugar in, it's fine,the government are lying to you, shove your mayo next to the fireplace, it wont go off lol. Yep, she smothers him, however, I feel like he enjoys it, but only at times, he can be quite dominant at you calling him barney and oh his beloved coffee and caffeine filled fizzy drinks, his kidneys and gut must be rotting. Did you know that 70 percent of your immune system is in the digestive system, basically if you eat crap...go figure.