What a peculiar fellow this Woo guy is.
I do not understand his car parking logic, but I will concede that many people lose their minds and toss all reason to the wayside when presented with air travel, making otherwise illogical choices. Indeed, maybe his home involves a shared driveway that would inconvenience other users. Or maybe he street parks and fears that nefarious actors might notice that the car hadn't moved for over a month, making it (or his home) a target for crime. Who knows.
I also do not understand his amassing of DVC points. I never dug into the DVC details much, but from what I understand he is basically prepaying for his future vacations. I suppose that makes sense, assuming his Disney obsession continues (or even grows) and that hotel prices continue to rise, but I think he's just doing it because he can. He has some cash burning a hole in his pocket, and he loves Disney. He can only buy so many commemorative pins, so this is a way for him to hand over even more money to the mouse.
Is it possible it's a tax thing? We've talked about his tax write offs before, and while we all understand he's not getting the stuff for free, he is avoiding paying income tax on every dollar he writes off. Could he be buying the points now on camera, writing them off as a business expense (because the subject was shown in his video), thus earning a tax deduction and effectively saving ~30% (depending upon his individual tax circumstances) with the intent to use them in the future when he "retires" from vlogging? Or am I giving him too much credit here?