VIP Member
I have no idea, it's one thing I really dislike about our culture. I talked about this once with my auntie in the UK and I just could not articulate why we are this wayWhy is everything so razzamatazz in the States? Sport’s the same. Like no one will pay attention unless there’s a balloon arch and some sparklers.
I worked in politics - I hated the sports team vibe of things often around elections - it treats it like just another 'show'. Let's get SNL, let's get celeb endorsements, who cares about POLICY.
One other thing I hate is 'every Republican is literally Hitler'. Now we have Trump who is dangerous and it's still the same rhetoric. I worked for Mitt Romne - there was that same messaging from the left, and he was a really decent human being who would have made a good President.
That and being told as a woman obviously I must be a Democrat, vote for Democrats, or else I am 'voting against my own best interests' and I am too stupid to have any thoughts about policies on my own, I must have them spoon fed to me to be the 'right' way I as a woman should think. I have been told I should not be allowed to vote because I don't fall into group-think. It's that patronizing attitude that puts a lot of people off and I think one part of why Trump has gotten a lot of the traditional blue collar or Rust Belt folks (God knows why he particularly speaks to these people as a felon New Yorker but hey) that would have mostly voted Democrat. The Dems go for the educated suburbanites now as if everyone else is too beneath them; that was one thing that really ruined Hillary Clinton's campaign. That and her utter lack of charisma, which someone like Obama had in spades.