VIP Member
I rather think European citizens are concentrating on their own social and economic issues than harping on about Brexit after nearly a decade. Most continental Europeans give no shits about the UK.
The vote share of Eurosceptic parties has risen over the last few years. If there's a war, or an economic downturn - of which some countries are starting to experience - it will increase because the biggest enemy of the EU is instability. There is a shift towards lack of confidence in politicians and mouthpieces, reflected onto the bloated EU.
I know you're trying to be condescending, but I get my info from a variety of sources. I do like X, it has been a good barometer of public mood in spite of denial allegations of bots and interference. Anyone who took a tiny bit of notice to the comments was not surprised Harris lost. I work with a lot of people and I very rarely contribute to discussion, but I always listen. People never feel afraid of a lecture for saying what they think in front of me so I get all raw opinion. I hop around a lot of forums online and check out what people are saying, prod for response and separate the wheat from the chaff. I read a lot, but I'm quite sceptical of journalistic opinion pieces and prefer looking at raw data to form my own take.
Not a lot of sources there bar some anecdotes and a vague reference to X and being skeptical of mainstream media. Says it all really.
If you got all your news from social media you'd have thought far right anti immigrant parties would be a sure thing in the most recent Irish election - or the French election before that, or any number of recent elections. But time and time again that hasn't come to fruition, despite what the algorithms on x and tik tok are programmed to try to make us/you believe.
The "oppressive identity politics" you mention - whilst straight out of the mouth of a Russian based bot farm on X - is not the lived reality of EU member citizens.
I don't know who the people you talk to every day are - are you in Europe or the UK? I'm guessing UK and maybe there's a certain cohort that Need to believe the EU is crumbling so that the decision to leave the EU seems less poorly thought out.
But for most European and most reasonable people when faced with the choice of remaining as a team or facing off against, say, Russia alone won't choose to go it alone. The EU won't be crumbling in the next 5 years.