1899 - Netflix

Don't, I repeat, don't watch it dubbed. It's so interesting hearing all the many accents. I know people don't like subtitles but it's so worth it.

I liked it a LOT but it doesn't come anywhere near close to Dark.

Really engaging.
Apparently Netflix confirmed that there won’t be another season. Not mad about it, I doubt that I would have found a continuation very good, it has had a good open end.
I'm on ep 5, I am getting Lost vibes (which I abandoned somewhere in the 2nd season).

Without giving spoilers, is it worth perserving with the next few episodes or am I going to get to the end of it and feel I've wasted my time?!

I feel tbh I'm this far in I may as well continue :) It can't be any worse than the film I watched at the weekend (White Noise - utter nonsense, and 2 hours of my life wasted! )