
  1. Bidscavan

    Twinsandme #41 Mom in A&E, Face like E.T, my friend is your da dee

    Thanks to @TeaAndABun for the thread title. Quick recap of last thread Julie being her usual self. Palming the kids off whenever possible, attending six million weddings or at least that's what it feels like. Numerous nights out, numerous cups of takeaway coffees, numerous tiktoks. Twinnies met...
  2. Bidscavan

    Twinsandme #40 Off she goes to Garryvoe, you wouldn't think the twins were in tow

    Congrats to @teeteebee for the thread name. Anyone want to do a recap?
  3. Beavana

    Twinsandme #39 Lies about surgery, mocks mental health, couldn’t care less how anyone felt

    New thread for this disgraceful pathological liar congrats @Onreal 👏😂
  4. Lmkgirl

    Twinsandme #38 My forehead don’t jiggle jiggle, it holds.

    Thanks to @Beavana for the thread title. Had the most votes. Anyone want to do a recap?
  5. Alucia

    Twinsandme #37 Racist stunt, lazy runt, on her Tinder willy hunt.

    Thanks to @TeaAndABun for the winning thread title 🥳 I changed it a bit as the rules may not allow cnut/penis and remove. The original winning new title was.. Racist stunt, LAZY CNUT, on her Tinder Penis hunt. Previous thread. Twinsandme #36 Ole whiskey nose is in bad need of a power hose |...
  6. Alucia

    Twinsandme #36 Ole whiskey nose is in bad need of a power hose

    Thanks to @CantstandJulie for the winning new thread title. Previous thread. Twinsandme #35 Ms. size 10 will have to change her name to Chins and me | Tattle Life
  7. Alucia

    Twinsandme #35 Ms. size 10 will have to change her name to Chins and me

    New thread title thanks to @Irishgalperth and @Bulmers Previous thread. Twinsandme #34 My kids bone is broke, I'll have a Voddy and Coke | Tattle Life Recap summed up perfectly by @TeaAndABun on...
  8. Alucia

    Twinsandme #34 My kids bone is broke, I'll have a Voddy and Coke

    Thank you to @TeaAndABun for the winning thread title. Last thread. Twinsandme #33 Júlíé with her jumbo jugs, takin us all for bleedin mugs | Tattle Life
  9. Alucia

    Twinsandme #33 Júlíé with her jumbo jugs, takin us all for bleedin mugs

    Thanks to @BordnaRóna for the winning thread title. Previous thread. Twinsandme #32 | Tattle Life
  10. Alucia

    Twinsandme #32

    Thanks to @theysaidwhhhhatt for the winning thread title. Old thread. Twinsandme #31 Those terrible brows arent the only scandal, 45 quid for a poxy candle | Tattle Life
  11. S

    Twinsandme #31 Those terrible brows arent the only scandal, 45 quid for a poxy candle

    Thanks to @Idontevengohere for the thread title with most likes . Previous thread:
  12. irishjen

    Twinsandme #29 Left me kids home with covid and did a legger, Headed for the Dean in me new “fox” leather

    New thread for meJulie thanks to @Seratago for the title....carry on
  13. D

    Twinsandme #28 Sure god love her

    New thread! No new title suggestions but this for one of the highest likes from @Dusty2020 so hope that’s ok!
  14. itsnotmeitsyouok

    TwinsAndMe #27 Sur god lov her Julie mom of the year Kids club, green tan, dirty hair!

    New thread! Hope this is ok for twins and me
  15. O

    Twinsandme #26 Porppple Haynes has now turned green, Mejoolie really needs a clean!

    Thanks for the great title @Idontevengohere. As ye were :)
  16. O

    Twinsandme #25 Forget the twinnies as long as I get my tinnies

    New thread for Twins and Me. The shortest comment with the most likes was from @ShesOffalyQVC so I decided this to be a thread title as I was too lazy to go to a second page - hope that's alright.
  17. D

    Twins and Me #24 Horney Haynes, moans and wails part-time mom and not an ounce of cop on

    Thanks for the title @Antop2020 if anyone wants to recap go for it
  18. #obsssessed

    Twins and Me #23 Her language is so obscene, it’s not hard to have twins in a routine!

    @teeteebee for the title, I had to change it slightly to fit, sorry!!
  19. O

    TwinsAndMe #22 Julie Julie playing games, nothing gets past Sherlock Haynes!

    Thread title with most likes thanks to @Jox As ye were 😊
  20. Yel

    TwinsAndMe #21

    New thread, let's not argue with each other - agree to disagree and move on and all that!
  21. #obsssessed

    TwinsAndMe #20 Julie is always here, and there, shes far too busy to wash her hair!!

    @Buttercream queen for the title!!
  22. Bellatrix#7

    Twins & Me #19 Julie the liar her chin is on fire, always on the beg supping from the keg

    Thanks to @Bellatrix#7 for new suggested thread!!
  23. D

    Twins & Me #18 Post socks, likes to block, please won’t somebody take the dope off TikTok

    New thread. Thanks to @Minnie_Driver for the title!
  24. Cáca_Milis

    Twins & Me #17 Julie Julie puddin & pie, hair so greasy you could cook a fry

    As ye were...