
  1. Curlywurly82

    This Single Mamma #9 Daddy’s wedding is all about me, Even though I stink of cat pee

    Incase you missed it...It's the wedding day! Thanks to @hereforthecapri for the thread title! Quick recap's finally the day of the wedding, we've heard all about this for so long...imagine it , the nails,the hair ,the dress....well love you need to do more than imagine it as you look a...
  2. Johnson1901

    This SingleMamaOfficial #8 'Sling it Tina, I'll whack it on the visa coz my Uncle is a schema

    Thanks to @TrixieMattell for the thread suggestion! Recap anyone??…….
  3. IR0201

    Thissinglemama #7 “Liar, liar, your content is dire!”

    Here you go 🥰 This title had the most votes (19). Thank you @Johnson1901 for the title! Does anyone want to do a recap?
  4. Johnson1901

    Thissinglemama #6 Cat Piss, Cat Piiss, Cat Piss!!

    No one could pick a suggestion but we all decided that cat piss should be included! Hopefully this is ok for everyone!! 😂😂😂 My first time doing a thread. Be kind!! Aimless hasn’t done much other than lie, eat bananas and attack anyone that dares have a difference of opinion to her!
  5. ChubClubThug

    Thissinglemama #5 My name is Aimless I'll do anything to be famous!

    Thread title thanks to @Johnson1901 😄 love it! Recap; Next thread for our favourite tiktok attention seeker Aimee aka: 'this single mama'... habitual liar and all round drama queen. We've had a trip to London with Shirley The Hat, lies about a Tinder date, more ugly clothes, more M&S hauls...
  6. unbelievable_jeff

    Thissinglemama #4 Rotten to the core, Anxiety? Bananas are the cure. So full of it, still living in her pit.

    New thread! Congratulations to @nnnnnicki for posting the winning title. I had to shorten it though, so sorry! Could someone please do a catch up? I'm not great at them lol. I do just want to say though, we're always branded such masty trolls yet here we are saying we don't think social...
  7. Crumpet41

    Thissinglemama #3 Hoarding seltzer and spicy rice, thissinglemama can’t stop telling porky pies

    New thread for Aimee aka This Single Mama . Congrats to @Beanss12345 for the suggestion . This one had 14 votes :) As you were :) ( does anyone want to do a little catch-up ? Pls?) . I don’t have much time at the minute.
  8. Crumpet41

    thissinglemama #2This selfish mama, neglects her child and home, hair hasn’t been touched in years by a comb

    Thanks to @IR0201 for the thread suggestion . Chosen as it has 11 votes. @Beanss12345 has the same number so highlighting this suggestion too :- A ‘piece’ of crap written for womens aid, wearing bronzer in the wrong shade, knocking booze back like it’s lemonade update with Aimee :- Still...
  9. Crumpet41

    Thissinglemamaofficial Selfish Mama obsession with shopping, booze and drama

    New thread for Thissinglemama - Aka Aimee. Thanks to @hereforthecapri for the suggestion . All suggestions had 7 likes each so just went for the first one. Catch up :- Aimee spends her life on Tiktok doing lives . Ignoring Harper ( her daughter) Likes a takeway or two. Fish n chips being...