teen mom uk

  1. M

    Teen Mum UK #19

    New thread
  2. M

    Teen Mum UK #18

    New thread
  3. W

    Teen Mum Young & Pregnant #30

    Old thread: https://tattle.life/threads/teen-mum-young-pregnant-29.19370/ Carry on. Anyone wanna do a recap?
  4. Patsy Stone

    Teen Mum UK #17

    https://tattle.life/threads/teen-mum-uk-16.17907/ Carrying on from the last thread Not much to recap on to be fair all being pretty boring, Amber decided to let the world know she was on a date, Mia’s got a new boyfriend, Spaceraider is still being Spaceraider... Bring us some drama!
  5. Hann98

    Teen mum young & pregnant #29

    Choddz&oli drama (who’s surprised??) Charlotte not appreciating tax payers money and outing her views on working mums, then apologising when called out Brett has gone quiet Laura & Morgan expecting a little girl - Laura is carrying
  6. That’sOk

    Teen Mum UK #16

    https://tattle.life/threads/teen-mum-uk-15.16214/ Link to last thread.
  7. Patsy Stone

    Teen Mum UK #15

    That last thread flew by! Must have hit a record with a new one after only 2 days So we've had exposures all round, let's see what dramaz we get this time
  8. Patsy Stone

    Teen Mum UK #14

    Megan is standing by her killer man blud Mia is still a 10 and Manley is still staying classy up in Maggie’s chip fat towers We know who Emma’s baby daddy is... It’s...... Nasseh Pancake lady remains unknown Billie has still got her beef flaps out stealing all our manzzzzzz
  9. T

    Teen Mum UK #13

    Amber and Ste kick off yet again on Instagram after Amber's mum rants on Facebook about Ste. Who needs a new season when we can watch their same old drama on social media for free. Speaking of social media, Megan has deleted her Instagram.
  10. That’sOk

    Teen Mum UK #12

    New thread! Recap anyone?
  11. T

    Teen Mum UK #11

    Newwwww thread Anyone care to post the catch up part 🙄
  12. T

    Teen Mum UK #10

    New threadddd Recap - megs been outed by someone in her circle here giving us juicy tea x
  13. M

    Teen Mum UK #9

    New thread, feel free to do a recap ☺
  14. M

    Teen Mum UK #8

    New thread
  15. Coolcats24

    Teen Mum UK #7

    Ah yes, such a good mother - going against the advice of medical professionals 👀
  16. eyeballs

    Teen Mum UK #6

    Here we go... Round up: Megan and Tel split again Billie and Chloe are catfish
  17. Kaa

    Teen Mum UK #5.

    New thread
  18. Jennytea

    Teen Mum UK #4

    New thread!
  19. Soflora

    Teen Mum UK #3

    New thread as the other was full... Thread name choice by yours truly 😁