phillip schofield

  1. OH.FFS

    Phillip Schofield #29 Phil has done a runner

    Previous thread
  2. Orphan_Black

    Phillip Schofield #28 Any Teen Will Do

    The bastard has finally quit and Tattler's rejoice! Chaos continue-
  3. inyo

    Phillip Schofield #27 A crash of drums, a flash of light. It's time that Schofe was out of sight

    Congratulations MoodyBlue on the winning title with 99 votes. Recap: The feud rumbles on and several new stories are cropping up each day Phillip and Holly have been appearing on the show as normal, with no mention that they've been dominating the headlines in the Monday morning paper review...
  4. Yel

    Phillip Schofield #26 C'mon ITV stop being silly, get rid of Philth and his errant willy

    New thread, title by hardworkinggardener. If you want to watch this thread please click the watch button rather than posting something that adds nothing like "parking". Remember to use the reaction buttons rather than quoting with "totally agree" or posting to add nothing to the conversation...
  5. Tangerine Cat

    Phillip Schofield #25 I can see in your eyes and smile and like your brother, the end is nigh

    The day you’ve all been waiting for has arrived so carry on discussing Filth's downfall here. Hope I’ve done this correctly. Lucyxxxx made up the rhyme, and Igjokkeee suggested it be the next thread title. You were all so carried away by events I had to go 6 pages in before I found a thread...
  6. Dotty Merton

    Phillip Schofield #24 Oh Phillip Schofield when will it end? You really are a Class A Bellend!

    @Dreamies you are the hallowed thread namer! Congrats m'dear And as promised, I'm sure this must be lyin' boy groomin' Philths fav pic of himself don't you... ;)
  7. Dotty Merton

    Phillip Schofield #23 Smug clown, tarnished crown, he's going down!

    Here we go again, thread title by @Ultimate Insider Runner up Phillip Schofield #23 ITV is a bad place to be, where all the deviants are allowed to run free! Onwards march with the saggy arsed Scrotefield, when will they sack him, why wont they sack him, how many young lads have we on the...
  8. Dotty Merton

    Phillip Schofield #22 £30k a week to save his reputation wasted cos Philth's secrets known by entire nation

    And down the rabbit hole we go again....
  9. catlady29

    Phillip Schofield #21 Philthy man and brother too, unveil them, jail them and castrate them too!

    Thanks to @Rhubarb10 for the title suggestion.
  10. M

    Phillip Schofield #20 Big Ben and booing, an award despite not queuing

    Thanks to @Doodlebug005 for the thread title suggestion.
  11. Doodlebug005

    Phillip Schofield #19 Dropped by We Buy Any Car, Holly rolling her eyes. Time to duck off philth

    Greetings posters time for new thread… apologies but the title is mine- didn’t know if it was bigheaded to start a new thread and be the title owner.. soz Quick recap… We buy any car 🚙🚘🚖 have seen sense and replaced the old Banger presenter… Those among us that watch TM ( not me) think that all...
  12. Carpediem69

    Phillip Schofield #18 Smug Philth couldn’t wait in a line, Even for The Queen he couldn’t spare the time

    Thanks to @Doodlebug005 for the new thread title Jumped the Q They are Journalists now - show us your NUJ cards No apology - a talked over slot by Hollyfilla face Petitions underway - keep signing Eamon keeping up the momentum ITV need to do the right thing Carry on Tattlers
  13. Doodlebug005

    Phillip Schofield #17 Stunning brave Phil? He makes me feel ill.

    New thread for the sly fox. Thanks to @LByrne74 for the most voted title Recap- well he is still on ITV, had a brief break from him when covid got him, Stephen Mulhern replaced him beautifully on DOI. Lorraine and ITV spent a nauseating morning kissing his ass.. 40 years on tv 🤮...guest...
  14. Doodlebug005

    Phillip Schofield #16 Knighthood no way! He can't even get an NTA

    New Thread! Congrats to @AlwightDallin for excellent title. Quick recap.... Philth as headline suggests wasn't even shortlisted for a best presenter award at NTA's, that must have hurt his ego ... What else has he been up to? Flogging gin and his book on Insta Hugging trees on TM Oh driving...
  15. Doodlebug005

    Phillip Schofield #15 Skating on very thin ice

    New Thread. Thanks to Rockin' Robin for the most popular thread title suggestion. A follow on from #14 where the latest development was the revealing of a 3 year snapchat interaction between Pip and a lad that was 17ish at the time. First time setting up thread hope it is done right!
  16. StephenTJackson

    Phillip Schofield #14

  17. StephenTJackson

    Phillip Schofield #13

  18. StephenTJackson

    Phillip Schofield #12

  19. coconochanel

    Phillip Schofield #11

    new thread to carry on the discussion. Mod edit adding thread number
  20. Rob123

    Phillip Schofield #10 Latest news, research & info

    New thread for Phillip Schofield
  21. B

    Phillip Schofield #9 Latest news

    New thread since people were asking.
  22. T

    Phillip Schofield #8 Latest news

    New thread, there wasn't any good suggestion with over 10 votes so I've made a title that matches what people are googling so more will find it. :) All the latest we know Many think this blind is about the dancing on Ice presenter ---- What...
  23. Be More Pacific

    Phillip Schofield #7 Drew back the curtain, to see for certain, that the injunction was still in place

    Thread title courtesy of @Delia Smith with 17 votes. Tweaked slightly to make it fit. Carry on your discussions here about the runner loving Schofe including a question that occurred to me whilst watching This Morning today. Is it right for a 57 year old man to be wearing super skinny jeans...
  24. Yel

    Phillip Schofield #6 and his Amazing Technicolour Super Injunction

    Thread title by @Be More Pacific View all Phillip Schofield threads
  25. Yel

    Phillip Schofield #5 We don't buy any of it .com

    I forget who suggested it and it's all under three letters so can't search for it, but has to be the best suggestion! View previous threads Round up from previous threads