katie price

  1. Falkor

    Katie Price #16 Is she a masked singer, or just a crusty old minger?

    With thanks to @QuirkyFlamingo for the thread title. In the last thread, Katie auctioned off her hair, wheeled her mum out for once instead of Harvey, went uncharacteristically silent for a few days and then popped up again looking forward to delivery of a new bed. Carry on, everyone!
  2. Oohthedrama

    Katie Price #15

    New thread, continue here and stay on topic, None of our members are trained to deal with domestic violence/depression/self harm. Everyone is anonymous here, some may lie, some may not, nobody should have another members safety on their conscience, If you are struggling, Please contact...
  3. 265

    Katie Price #14 Katie clinging to waning fame: ring, baby, and new name

    Thanks to Mikesqueen for the title. Continuing from the last thread - https://tattle.life/threads/katie-price-13-back-to-turkey-teef-need-workey-price-and-woods-are-faulty-goods.12436/page-50#post-3295175 Carry On people. All we need now is a newstory to kick off this thread.
  4. 265

    Katie Price #13 Back to Turkey..Teef need Workey! Price and Woods are faulty goods!

    Thanks to TC14 for this GEM. I would like to thank people posting and filling up #12 for me, I am so grateful to you all. Last thread - https://tattle.life/threads/katie-price-12-flogging-tat-wheres-the-rat-is-katie-pregnant-or-just-getting-fat.12047/page-50 Carry on people.
  5. 265

    Katie Price #12 Flogging tat, where’s the rat, is Katie pregnant or just getting fat?

    last thread - https://tattle.life/threads/katie-price-11-from-flogging-stuff-to-buying-dogs-shes-as-crazy-as-a-box-of-frogs.11678/page-52 Uppompey won the thread competition by a horses do dahh, well done.. Carry on People.
  6. Moobiemoo

    Katie Price #11 from flogging stuff to buying dogs, she’s as crazy as a box of frogs

    @Rockin' Robin Thank you for the new thread title I hope this is right 😂 Ok fixed it! New thread catch up: Katie is clearly living in Essex with Carl. Nearly all of her IG stories are filmed at his house. Which does NOT have a large Astro turfed garden. The garden he was advertising was...
  7. 265

    Katie Price #10 Bankrupt Barbie and conman Cole, don’t want fame but want a TV show

    Thanks to Moobiemoo for the thread title, I had to alter it because it wouldn't fit. Last thread. https://tattle.life/threads/katie-price-9-will-rent-a-muff-be-up-the-duff-with-turkey-teefs-mini-me-coaletta.10951/page-53 Okay so Katie claims to have been abused, I do seem to recall her saying...
  8. 265

    Katie Price #9 Will rent-a-muff be up the duff with turkey teef's mini me Coaletta?

    Carry on people. Katie might be back home and a man has been arrested for posting a video. Thanks you Facehugger for the title.
  9. 265

    Katie Price #8 Her latest adventures, with a new set of dentures!

    Rockin' Robin came up with this GEM, good job. Continuing from #7, Katie is farting and soon to zoom and her feet seem to have recovered rather suddenly. Old thread - https://tattle.life/threads/katie-price-7-new-matching-tatts-that-are-perfect-for-a-couple-of-pratts.9907/page-50
  10. 265

    Katie Price #7 New matching tatts that are perfect for a couple of Pratts

    Carrying on from Part 6 https://tattle.life/threads/katie-price-6-katie-and-the-worn-out-sympathy-card.9164/page-50 Suggested by TC14
  11. 265

    Katie Price #6 Katie and the worn out sympathy card.

    And the Bullshit continues from https://tattle.life/threads/katie-price-5-sex-lies-and-not-a-leg-to-stand-on.8247/page-50 Sadly there isn't a news article to kick off this thread. The only question is that is she really in rehab or is she telling more porkies?
  12. S

    Katie Price #5 Sex, lies and not a leg to stand on!

    Thanks to @265 for the thread title!
  13. S

    Katie Price #4 killing dogs and going abroad, constantly wasting money she can’t afford!

    Thanks to @Lauren1994 for the thread title.
  14. Falkor

    Katie Price #3 New thread, new bloke

    New thread title thanks to @265
  15. StephenTJackson

    Katie Price #2

    New Thread.
  16. K

    Katie Price

    I had to do it! I did. lol. I guess we all know the story. My main gripe is that she apparently hadn't seen her kids all Summer, she's been off galavanting with various men, and their father's have been caring for them, at least 4 of the kids have, but, the second she gets them back for 5 mins...