jane gammons

  1. Rosap

    Jane Gammons #15

    NEW THREAD (Had to slightly shorten it) Thanks to @Yashlions with 21 likes. You win the opportunity to wear the pink coat Continue on twits 😊 ☕ mod edit: thread title of I’m ill I’m fat I’m just a lazy twat @ a bargain price of 1.99 is a bit mean, anything without calling someone fat and a twat?
  2. Rosap

    Jane Gammons #14 Janeychins your lies are sick! Charlie Bean - you're just thick

    @ChubClubThug wins with 17 votes I think this is right, there was a lot of pages on the last thread!! Let's continue then.. 😂 I have so much time these days to keep up
  3. String Man

    Jane Gammons #13 More dogger than vlogger, feeling the bloat & can't fasten her pink coat

    Amended to fit as there were way too many characters. Hope this is okay. Pretty sure it was the one with the most likes but the old thread ran to 58 pages so I may be wrong 😂 Thanks to @Emperortooco for the new thread title. Other Gammon-filled threads here...
  4. lexiloo

    Jane Gammons #12 I have a voice & a platform more like I have a pukka pie & a gym ball

    Thanks for the votes on my suggestion folks, I really had to play around with this to make it fit but I think it conjures up the giggles from her quote for sure tattle on folks ;)
  5. lexiloo

    Jane Gammon #11 Lip smacks, party snacks, won’t put the heat on for Charlie’s mouldy cacks

    some fab title suggestions guys, on a roll as always but the win goes to @Queenie who had the most likes tattle on folks ;)
  6. lexiloo

    Jane Gammons #10 Janes livid cos bean fancies twins, bouncing on the ball to banish the chins

    thanks to @Spinidge for another great title, had to modify it slightly to get it to fit
  7. lexiloo

    Jane Gammons #9 unwrapping all the tat, Had to take my rings off, my fingers are too fat

    Thanks to @Spinidge for the title, I had to amend slightly to make it fit, flying through these threads like Jane with a box of mince pies ;)
  8. lexiloo

    Jane Gammons #8 flat full of tat, still just as fat, vlogmas is gonna be crap....innit Charlie?

    title thanks @lexiloo 😂 AKA me and mucho thanks to all who liked it!
  9. Hatshepsut

    Jane Gammons #7 Halloween with Mr Bean & Trick or Treat with trotter’s feet

    Thanks to @Dolphingal for the new thread title with the most likes. 😁
  10. String Man

    Jane Gammons #5 No longer dipping in the treaty drawer, how come she's bigger than before?

    I think this was the top suggestion? Tweaked slightly to fit characters in. Thank you to @Spinidge
  11. Yel

    Jane Gammons #4 Booty band around her thighs but she can’t recall her size

    Let me know if I missed a good suggestion
  12. Yel

    Jane Gammons #3 #SaveCharlie

    Continue as you were :)
  13. Beggars belief

    Jane Gammons #2 Jane gluttons the line drawn slate cleaning queen

    Thanks @Canklesshankles for a perfect title 👍
  14. Beggars belief

    Jane Gammons

    Why start a thread about Jane?! Well...! I’ve watched her since she was at low subscribers, really liked her.. warmed to her. Since she has gained more followers she has become so stereotypical.... ambassador for Jd seasoning (plugging ALL the time ?) click baiting... hate that so much...