disney vloggers

  1. No Grifters Needed

    The Tim Tracker #168 We'd Rather Be Racist Than Poor

    Welcome to the new thread. Title courtesy of @PoorKid. Here we are in the middle of 14 cruise slogs from a boring same old Fantasy cruise. At least they went to a couple of new places for them, but everything else is rinse and repeat. Join T&J as they stuff their faces, waddle around the...
  2. Hereforthesh

    Theme Park Express #2 Stuffing my face on cruises for views.

    New thread title was mine. The last thread took FOREVER...lol There's not too much new going on as far as I can see. I personally stopped watching his videos some time ago, but will occasionally pop on there to see something mentioned here on Tattle. It seems for sure he's become more of a...
  3. Iwantallthetea

    The Tim Tracker #167 Oliver’s 1st birthday party was a carnival because his parents are clowns

    Congrats to @eatcherheartout for the winning thread title I'll let someone else do the recap.
  4. cavamom

    ResortTV1 #11 You Don't Have to Go Home, But You Can't Grift Here

    Thanks @PoorKid for our new thread title! And the grift goes on….
  5. Iwantallthetea

    The Tim Tracker #166 All I want for my husband's birthday is a Nanny

    New thread title courtesy of @Commandereddy 👏 Old thread here - https://tattle.life/threads/the-tim-tracker-165-good-afternoon-from-universal-orlando-hosted-by-seaworld.44314/ someone else can handle the recap
  6. Scooby Don't

    Kyle Pallo #69 Welcome Durliat Family! #Hosted by Casey and her Disney Discount

    Title by @GreenIsNotACreativeColor. In the previous thread Kyle did the same thing he's done in the previous 67. Spouting ill-informed rubbish, buying stuff he doesn't need, pretending we're all jealous of his fabulous lifestyle, etc. Please add further details if you like.
  7. Iwantallthetea

    Kyle Pallo #68 I like my chicken cutlets flat and dry... just like my Girl Friend

    winning thread title courtesy of @AKW24 Congrats!! Previous thread here - https://tattle.life/threads/kyle-pallo-67-kyle-pallo-bought-a-755-000-fixer-upper.44192/ Someone else can do the recap
  8. hcslacs

    The Tim Tracker #164 If the Christmas tree was a slice of pizza, it'd be gone by now!

    Congrats to @The REAL Karen McCoy for the latest title! We are in the middle of yet another mukbang lunch date.
  9. Iwantallthetea

    Adam the Woo #16 Grooms young women but not himself

    Thread title courtesy of @Galaxyprincess ... congrats!! 👏 Previous thread here - https://tattle.life/threads/adam-the-woo-15-new-house-old-content.43543/ Recap anyone?
  10. Cocobean9

    Best Life & Beyond #100 Still featuring Spencer and some other guy's wife

    Congratulations to @OutofScope for BLAB's 100th thread title 🎉 I'll let someone else recap but the title says it all. Spencer & some other guy's wife have an awful home movies Youtube channel where they showcase what liars they are while Katie posts passive aggressive crap on her IG as if she's...
  11. Iwantallthetea

    The Tim Tracker #163 If you are looking for wrong advice, this is the channel for you!!

    Congrats to @Galaxyprincess for our new thread title 👏 Old thread here: https://tattle.life/threads/the-tim-tracker-162-the-cheapest-way-to-eat-on-vacation-is-to-not-bring-jenn.43926/ I'll let someone else do the recap.
  12. V

    The Tim Tracker #163 If you are looking for wrong advice, this is the channel for you!!

    Congrats to @Galaxyprincess for another hilarious Tracker thread title. As usual if someone else can do the recap I appreciate it. For fun I've attached a poll asking where everybody is fun. I know the UK is part of Europe and apologies to sticking Canada at the bottom. And somehow I got...
  13. V

    The Tim Tracker #162 The cheapest way to eat on vacation is to not bring Jenn

    Congrats to @court2022 and @littlemuv for another fun Tracker thread title. Someone else can recap please!
  14. No Grifters Needed

    Kyle Pallo #65 He thinks he's the hit. He isn't even the fart!

    Thanks to @Iwantallthetea for our newest thread title. We're at the beginning of a series (already feels like it will never end) of Kyle vlogging his mundane life from the inaugural sailing of the Icon of the Seas. While he and Casey may be on a brand spanking new cruise ship, this truly feels...
  15. Hereforthesh

    PCDev #4 A used Tesla, workouts, creepy flexing, and a failing channel.

    Finally, a new thread for the Douche Lord of YouTube that is PCDev. The previous thread was started May 9, 2022! I guess many of us have stopped watching him and rely on the occasional postings in here to keep up, as I do sometimes. Even those that still post in here didn't care enough to come...
  16. Iwantallthetea

    The Tim Tracker #161 Jenn Tracker - Built like a heavyweight powergrifter

    Our new title won by a landslide (54 votes) - congrats to @pkd81!! Previous thread here: https://tattle.life/threads/the-tim-tracker-160-alright-girl.43693/ Someone else can do the recap
  17. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Kyle Pallo #64 Vlogger with the smallest..vocabulary

    Thank you @Hardly Here for the new thread title. There was a tie, but this one showed up first. Mod edit swear words aren't to be used in titles.
  18. Iwantallthetea

    The DIS Unplugged #11 We're still exactly the same. Maybe worse, actually

    Welcome to our new thread. Thread title courtesy of @TheNextStacey ... Congrats!! (It was actually a tie between this one and one suggested by @invisobelt, but this thread title came up first in the "most liked posts" search.) Old thread here...
  19. Hereforthesh

    Paging Mr Morrow #17 that mouth can manage!

    Thanks to @EmilyisDone for the new thread title. His mouth can definitely manage, food that is. Can he manage WL girl? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  20. V

    The Tim Tracker #160 Alright Girl

    Congrats to @Maleficent50 for another funny thread title. Isn't that Amanda chick already gone though? Somebody else can handle recap please!
  21. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Kyle Pallo #63 Kyle gets cock blocked by Minnie Mouse

    Thanks to @onechanz for suggesting the winning thread title and @AKW24 for nominating it.
  22. starri

    JoJo’s World #5 Over 1 million subscribers and only 938 views in 1 hour, not what I expected!

    @GreenIsNotACreativeColor takes it for us. Previously...well, the thread title says it all, doesn't it?
  23. Iwantallthetea

    The Tim Tracker #159 Cry Me a Rivian

    Congrats to @Quasimodo for our new thread title!! 👏 👏 👏 Recap anyone?
  24. No Grifters Needed

    Best Life & Beyond #99 Adam bought a house, Katie’s mic is a mouse and Spencer’s girlfriend has a spouse

    Congratulations to @TheHooptie for our first new thread in 2024! Remember the good old days when a new BLAB thread was starting every couple of days? This last thread took 34 days to close out! That is how utterly boring and irrelevant these grifters have become -- we actually had to name...
  25. Iwantallthetea

    Adam the Woo #15 New house, old content

    Congrats to @PoorKid for our new thread title! Recap - New house, old content says it all